Saturday, June 18, 2011
Little Did We Know, Or Did We?
by Robert L. Gisel
The above image is among what is known as early signs prior to the WTC attacks. It is the cover of the DOJ Counter-Terrorism Manual in use months before 9/11. True, there had been a foiled attempt years earlier to bomb the Towers, but notice that the sights on the Tower in the picture center on the very spot the plane punctured the building. Random coincidence? What are the odds? Evidences of another explanation have been completely overlooked.
Get this lead line:
On November 9, 2001 Osama bin Laden Tells a Saudi Sheik That Unknowing al-Qaeda Members Had Dreams & Visions Forecasting the September 11 Attacks.
This line about "dreams and visions" is, technically speaking, a reliable detection indicator of the possible presence of Pain, Drug, Hypnosis (PDH), as used by the CIA since the MK Ultra program. Bin Laden had been a CIA cooperative from as far back as when they needed him and his followers to push the Russians out of Afghanistan. PDH has been long used by CIA counter-intelligence activities to foment crimes, assassinations and other destructive acts, that were covered up by embedded commands not to remember.
Dreams, visions, visitations in the night, these can be present to an awake individual even when PDH incidents are submerged under the influence of drugs and hypnotic command. You would have to be alert for this to uncover a suspected PDH that would otherwise go unnoticed.
The practice of compelling action by Pain, Drugs and Hypnosis is not new. It traces back as far as the 11th Century when zealot assassins of Hassan-i Sabbah were drugged with hashish and led to a staged "dream" incident of being entertained by a harem of beauties. Sabbah implied himself a profit or sacred leader, and only by following him would they be able to find their way back to this "heaven". In this way he could get them to do his bidding as assassins.
Some very involved counter-intelligence operations have been assisted by the use of PDH. Witness the crazed assassination of Bobby Kennedy. Details clearly showed symptoms of PDH in the assassin. We know the Who and the Why in the greater picture, but this avenue of the How has not been been pursued in that investigation. Restraints might be placed on the use of one of the devout secret tools of espionage if the truth were known.
Abundant evidence illustrates it was impossible for Bin Laden and the al-Qaeda to have pulled off the catastrophic but tidy destruction of three sky scrapers on September 11, 2001, without much highly technical help. There is undeniable evidence of prior knowledge by concerned government and private individuals in the US. These things are not random coincidence. Someone was running a complex but crazy operation. Hidden recruitment by PDH is not an unreasonable assumption.
The oddity that stands out is that Bin Laden, psychotic on his own, nevertheless got all the credit, and blame, and became the object of intense international pursuit yet ran free for a decade. It was convenient having him as the poster child for terrorism to justify two wars, excuse sweeping advances of the police state in the US, and set the stage for ten years of profiteering by the military industrial establishment. One is left with the feeling he was a dupe, shades of Lee Harvey Oswald, who, as you may recall, was conveniently assassinated when he was ready to talk.
There has been sufficient insanity on this planet to evidence that it doesn't take mind control techniques shades of MK Ultra to rear the head of psychosis in bizarre acts. That PDH techniques have been in vogue in the intelligence community raises some reasonable questions. We are not talking conspiracy theories here, this is following a string of empirical knowledge to the forefront.
However this went down, the complete collapse of the WTC Towers and the essentially untouched Building 7, we may never know for sure. The party line we have been fed is no doubt quite apart from the real intrigues that played out in the highest power circles. This, for me, is more than an idle hobby. Making sense of, and speaking out on, these mysteries may have survival value, lest the police state sink any further into the despotic tyranny our War of Independence was fought to attain freedom from.
There has been enough insanity on this planet to know it does take mind control techniques shades of MK Ultra to vent a psychotic head. That PDH techniques have been in vogue in the intelligence community raises some interesting questions. We're not talking conspiracy theories here, this is following empiric knowledge to the forefront.
This writer has long suspected the possibility of an operation by PDH, but this is the first reliable indicator that has come to my attention. In the surrounding circumstances of 9/11 the outpoints are so numerous, the illogical aspects are so telling, that the authoritarian story holds substance like a sieve. The supposition of possible dupes by PDH is a viewpoint not advanced in other commentaries, but this could meaningfully connect the dots. It should be explored with investigative reporting by someone resourceful and connected enough to dig in.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Libya and Human Rights
by Robert L. Gisel
It will be interesting to see how Ghadafi's regime explains away this latest Human Rights violation to break out in the news. A woman is taken from her car at a checkpoint by Ghadafi Loyalists then apparently held captive, raped repeatedly and beaten. When she finally gets free she rushed to reporters and foreign correspondents in the state arranged hotel to get the message to someone fearing there would be more of the same with no protections from the meyhem. The cat is out of the bag.
So much was revealed in this one incident. First off, she felt she had to rush to the reporters and reach the international press or she would simply disappear for weeks or years. Such fears are not an exclusive of Ghadafi's Libya as our own Homeland Security has been known to do that.
The first response is to kidnap her again, after the Ghadafi undercover police pretending to be hotel staff bludgeon press corps members, smashing their cameras and recorders, who were trying to protect her. You can only call it kidnapping as she is taken by force in obvious violation of rights -- hers and her would be protectors.
Then they attempt a smear campaign of the girl to claim she is insane, a drunk, and a prostitute. Get this: she is actually post graduate law student studying in Tripoli. This is the wrong person to try to exploit.
There was even an attempt to bribe her family to persuade her to recant the charges. The official stance now seems to be that the rapists are being investigated, that this is a criminal matter rather than political, and that some of the suspected rapists are filing counter suit for slander. That's rich. Then again, the state sponsored smear campaign is not slander, evidently, while the covey of undercover "hotel staff" who rushed to get this gal away from the press wasn't political, evidently.
What makes this possible is a major weakness of Human Rights bills needing to be bolstered, that and unchecked criminal behavior bolstered by a lawless totalitarian regime. Anything declared to be a matter of state security, including the labeling of acts and persons as terrorist, in the opinion of the declarer, is considered outside the realm of Human Rights. As soon as one is deemed terrorist by state police organisms, rights are suspended with unreasonable seizure, no Miranda rights, no legal representation nor swift and juried justice. Whether the organization is like the NSA, Homeland Security, the Libyan spy agency Jamahiriya Security Organization, MI-5, the Mossad, SBU, China's MSS, or the Congo's DGSE this above-the-law think is justified as protection of state security. Don't buy it.
Look at the kidnappings that landed up in Quantico. Several hundred of those detainees for years were there as innocents or with so little or no probable cause they were let go. For instance, an innocent farmer whose only crime was to be a mistaken identity was held captive for two years. This the problem with omnipotent powers given to state security -- they can be opinionated, and opinions are not fact. Then there are no checks and balances to correct the injustice when they are wrong.
The 007 mentality has been long glorified by James bond movies and the like where innocents are not locked up or killed. It is simple Hollywood; all those who work for the bad guys and those who work for the good guys. The truth is most secret intelligence agencies mean business, each from it's own viewpoint is well intended and charged with high purpose, meaning it can do no wrong.
Ghadafi's intelligence people are muffing it badly. The hilariuous part is it appears like a B-List movie, a poor one at that, of what they think they should be doing as "that is the way US intelligence does it".
It will be interesting to see how Ghadafi's regime explains away this latest Human Rights violation to break out in the news. A woman is taken from her car at a checkpoint by Ghadafi Loyalists then apparently held captive, raped repeatedly and beaten. When she finally gets free she rushed to reporters and foreign correspondents in the state arranged hotel to get the message to someone fearing there would be more of the same with no protections from the meyhem. The cat is out of the bag.
So much was revealed in this one incident. First off, she felt she had to rush to the reporters and reach the international press or she would simply disappear for weeks or years. Such fears are not an exclusive of Ghadafi's Libya as our own Homeland Security has been known to do that.
The first response is to kidnap her again, after the Ghadafi undercover police pretending to be hotel staff bludgeon press corps members, smashing their cameras and recorders, who were trying to protect her. You can only call it kidnapping as she is taken by force in obvious violation of rights -- hers and her would be protectors.
Then they attempt a smear campaign of the girl to claim she is insane, a drunk, and a prostitute. Get this: she is actually post graduate law student studying in Tripoli. This is the wrong person to try to exploit.
There was even an attempt to bribe her family to persuade her to recant the charges. The official stance now seems to be that the rapists are being investigated, that this is a criminal matter rather than political, and that some of the suspected rapists are filing counter suit for slander. That's rich. Then again, the state sponsored smear campaign is not slander, evidently, while the covey of undercover "hotel staff" who rushed to get this gal away from the press wasn't political, evidently.
What makes this possible is a major weakness of Human Rights bills needing to be bolstered, that and unchecked criminal behavior bolstered by a lawless totalitarian regime. Anything declared to be a matter of state security, including the labeling of acts and persons as terrorist, in the opinion of the declarer, is considered outside the realm of Human Rights. As soon as one is deemed terrorist by state police organisms, rights are suspended with unreasonable seizure, no Miranda rights, no legal representation nor swift and juried justice. Whether the organization is like the NSA, Homeland Security, the Libyan spy agency Jamahiriya Security Organization, MI-5, the Mossad, SBU, China's MSS, or the Congo's DGSE this above-the-law think is justified as protection of state security. Don't buy it.
Look at the kidnappings that landed up in Quantico. Several hundred of those detainees for years were there as innocents or with so little or no probable cause they were let go. For instance, an innocent farmer whose only crime was to be a mistaken identity was held captive for two years. This the problem with omnipotent powers given to state security -- they can be opinionated, and opinions are not fact. Then there are no checks and balances to correct the injustice when they are wrong.
The 007 mentality has been long glorified by James bond movies and the like where innocents are not locked up or killed. It is simple Hollywood; all those who work for the bad guys and those who work for the good guys. The truth is most secret intelligence agencies mean business, each from it's own viewpoint is well intended and charged with high purpose, meaning it can do no wrong.
Ghadafi's intelligence people are muffing it badly. The hilariuous part is it appears like a B-List movie, a poor one at that, of what they think they should be doing as "that is the way US intelligence does it".
Ghadafi's Regime,
Human Rights Violations,
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Drawing the Line On Human Rights

by Robert L. Gisel
Contemporary advancements of technology requires the drawing of the lines re Human Rights, newly, to keep abreast of the technological advancements and calls for a broader view of the undeniability of Human Rights.The recent discussions re Internet rights violations was brought to my attention by the public access snippet re Gmail and another on Google Images by Gary North, who links to advice on what to do to increase your protections. Check it out and take the steps to enhance your protections.
The hub-hub is that the Internet communications you store in ISPs are subject to unfettered government perusal of your emails. You can see this in news articles by the web site Threat Levels here, re Gmail and re Google images here. Personally, I hope they enjoyed my letters to President Obama.
In July 2009 I asked Obama's Campaign Manager if the President was on drugs. There was also that sage advice of what to do about the Gulf oil spill, not offensive just no minced words. Still, I don't think he got the memo. Then there was that post with the wry references to Obama and his government pursuing the same old agenda as Bush. The earliest was when Senator Obama was still on the campaign trail and I jumped down his throat for his pro-psychiatric voting record that makes him leader of the pack. These posts notwithstanding in the realm of authors and columnists, a broader view of the meaning of this is warranted.
The 4th Amendment concerning unlawful search and seizure guarantees your rights to your property and effects. That is, except for those government actions that are "above the law", which is why we needed the 4th Amendment in the first place.
Should you ever be so unfortunate as to be deemed a terrorist or somehow a threat to state security, which could be created by any franchised redneck fomenting Homeland Security, you are subject to a suspension of your rights immediately. Being seized and carted of to an unknown location without Miranda protections or a call to your attorney, to be secretly held incommunicado indefinitely, blatantly violates a whole parcel of Rights.
You do not even have to be the person deemed suspect but may only be a relative, friend or acquaintance of someone who has been so unfortunate. You can be completely innocent of any charges and under no reasonable suspicion and could find your emails stored in ISP files under perusal with no court ordered authorization. Of course there is the keyword listen in of electronic phone communications as well. I believe the word for it is police state.
This is a matter of the Right to Life, abrogation of, which is worded as such in the founding papers of the United States but did not get singled out in the Bill of Rights.
Literary directness in the last decade well could have prompted a placement on the scale of dissension by any bureaucrat with more self importance than concern for We The People, where standing up for Human Rights, the Constitution or opposition to oppressive government makes you out be "one them we must keep a watch on".
Proclaiming Free Speech seditious has a long history. In the US it goes back to John Adam's controversial Alien and Sedition Act. So this is an area not without previous concerns.Outspoken instances of freedoms of speech have probably gotten more than a few individuals placed on "the list" in the paranoid wake of the 9/11 fiasco. It also opened precedents for new violations of Human Rights. The advent of new technologies as in the Internet as well as electronic phone communications means a need for defining new legal parameters.
The redefining of Human Rights in these respects is an ongoing battle, which we must win on the side of adequate protections.
Electronic Phone Rights,
Google Images,
Internet Rights
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