
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What Goes Around Comes Around

by Robert L. Gisel

It is a truism in this universe that one is fought by those one is fighting. One mourns with condolences those who died in the conflict at the US Embassy in Yemen. Then one points the finger at Bush.

Why Bush? It's his turf and he started the fight. Whether you agree with that impartial analysis or not he is undeniably fighting since. The preemptive strikes on Afghanistan and on Iraq, going it alone despite the contrary advices of our allies and in defiance of international law, these things did not win the US friends on the world scene.

Furthermore he is the President and the realm of his responsibility includes how the world considers this country and what happens regards this sovereignty even on the world scene. In other words if it's good it's his, if it's bad it's his. I simply expect him to be competent and make the right decisions and take affirmative action to the benefit of the greatest good of the greatest number.

Now we are told he is simply going after the terrorists, the al-Quaida, that attacked us in the Sept 11 Twin Towers destruction. This is a clever Machiavellan misdirection that the Skull and Bones crowd is no doubt proud of. If we can't irrevocably prove that the Towers One and Two were an inside job one can definately see that the Tower 7 was a controlled demolition, thus the work of pre-preparation.

This leaves the question open of what role, if any, did the al-Quaida actually play in that event. The actual facilitation of the event was most probably more than the al-Quaida could have put in motion. They would have to have had super-secret access to Tower 7, for instance, for a week or two prior to set the controlled demolition explosives that dropped the 48 stories of a building which contained the civil defense posts for the emergency reponse units and US intelligence offices, CIA, FBI etc. That would be a cute trick for a "terrorist group", so someone else did it.

Theorizing this all the way out one can imagine the Taliban of Afghanistan hearing that they solely responsible for the whole act on Sept 11th and they are reason we are invading Afghanistan and later Iraq. They just might object to being made the scapegoats and even be militantly hostile about it. This would account for the very low opinion of the US that is seen in those other countries and is the subject of massive marches against Bush in places like London.

To be a President you'd perhaps have to have the memory of an elephant, goodwill of a Gandhi, the analytical logic of Grand Master chess player and the observance of a god like compassion towards mankind to appreciate this viewpoint. In other words, like mankind, realize that all men have inalienable human rights, be exemplary in justice and fairness, use rational thinking to embrace the greatest good for the most mankind, be able to envision consequences across the span of time from the deep past to the far reaching future and have the benevolence and generosity of a saint.

In other words you'd have to have the magnanimously competant leadership you'd expect of the President of the most influential country in the world. Taking actions that could be ascribed to a lieing, deceiving bully would not gain favoritisms except among the James Gang.

Here is another sweeping datum that sets the mind to wondering: a criminal anti-social personality will always accuse others of what himself has been doing. This is demonstratable, observable truth. Applied to the circumstances of this administration one is left wondering what have they really been up to.

It is understood that being President of the United States is a tough job. It just takes a very skillful individual at the helm. Reagon was able to do it and is no doubt the best President we have had in recent times. He was exceptional in this respect: he was a high toned individual, had a good sense of values and was very candid.

This is an important comparison. Reagon had the graciousness of the hero in one of the old cowboy movies, only it wasn't an act, that was his personality. He was someone you could trust. Seeing that in a President was refreshing. America needs again his open honesty.

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