This news alert has just come in about a new Senate Bill perked up my ears but looking into it I don't quite see it as alarming as it might seem on the outside:
S.3081 -- Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention and Prosecution Act of 2010 would allow the U.S. military to detain U.S. citizens without trial indefinitely in the U.S. based on suspected activity. Our friend Ernest Hancock digs into this bill on his Web site.
Since the Hutaree ring got rounded up in Michigan a week and a half ago, we’ve seen more than one congressperson mouthing off about “our enemies.” They aren’t just Islamic extremists anymore; we must be wary of the “homegrown terrorists” now.
The proposed activation of the military against private citizens in circumvention the Bill of Rights appears to be an ominous tryst down the path of suppression of Freedom. There is no domestic use for military here.
Secondly, We the People are not "our enemies", as some Congressmen have perhaps been overheard to say. If this is indeed prompted by the Hutaree incident as evidence of a need to suspend the Bill of Rights for domestic military action thus one must draw the line. The CIA has been prohibited by the Courts from intelligence action against citizens within the US and equally the Military should not be allowed to go there.
The Bill cites Article 5 of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. This is a thin argument in our current times by reason of two undeclared wars pushed off on us by lies of an Administration, even while incriminated in events used to justify the acts. Murky waters there. Still, with much evidence from lawsuits filed, documentaries and investigative reporting, as well as House Resolution Bills advocating impeachment, these "wars" don't stand up to the acid test.
The purpose of the initial 48 hour interrogation is the determination of "high-value detainee", a military-intelligence euphemism for someone appropriate for covert and Carte Blanche chemical/physical interrogation. The determination of the skill craft used in would include "as the President sees appropriate".
Per wording of the Bill determination of the status of "high value detainee" must be made within 48 hours, of military interrogation of the "unprivileged belligerent", military methods.
If enacted as proposed some citizens could be targeted (deemed "Protester", "Constitutionalists", "Conspiracy Theorists", ie, persons seeking the truth) and seized in the Continental US, held incommunicado indefinitely and with no representation if capriciously determined to be a "high-value detainee". This is how evil politicians have in the past gotten rid of political enemies from among their People, acting in fearful accusation of dissention, where protest and free speech rights get trammeled.
I wouldn't put it beyond possibility that that sub-group of the Hutaree arrested were subjected to infiltration and covertly incited to crazy action, shades of MK Ultra, or agents provocateur (from our side or our enemies). This to rile Congress, to push through innocuous Bills, to quash our freedoms, or just for general turmoil. It has happened before. But people don't just willfully set out to shoot policemen. Exceptions are behavioral modification and psych-drug destructive side effects, but then these aren't "willful".
Actual proof the Hutaree conspired to shoot police officers might be hard to defend in court as it resulted in no shot policemen. The planning of the gangs of thugs like Al Capone, Bonnie and Clyde, and John Dillinger were clearly evident as they did rob banks and shot up the place. One should suspect this as a showcase or Abscam-type set up to launch the Bill, but these are not necessarily connected and may only be tied by human emotion and reaction.
It will take more research, looking into the Geneva Convention itself to determine what is a "privileged belligerent" as opposed to an "unprivileged" one, and whether either of these even apply to climate now in the shadow of Bush's "wars". Either way it is a cop-out: without court sustainable evidence one can still interrogate the hell out them and get the dope under military-intelligence drugs and torturous duress not hindered by "privileged" restrictions.
This becomes a Bill to watch as to what tag-ons may go with it or onerous wording changes might arise.