
Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Real Emergency Put in Perspective

by Robert L Gisel

We are told that millions have gotten the Swine Flue. In my area and among my friends there has been no cases to be seen. Not far from this in the same sector there is a situation having severe ramifications.

Medical mistakes, flubs by doctors and medical personnel, account for an alarmingly high number of deaths annually. These 200.000 preventable deaths annually are 5 times the supposed annual flue death rate of "38,000" (actually from pre-existing health conditions) and 1/10 of our total annual US deaths of 2.4 million.

When 1000 deaths occur "from" the Swine Flue the President declares a national emergency. This is a most curious outpoint, a hugely inflated evaluation of importances that sends up red flags.

The press campaign has pushed off on the public the horrors of the Swine Flue, far in excess of the actual intensity of this flue, and even had the hugely inflated numbers of those who will have gotten it well in advance of anyone having the virus. Since the Swine Flue is actually milder than the usual round of flue each winter this smacks of a Big Pharma marketing campaign, with Obama in line for perks.

In contrast, the proposed vaccine is potentially much more dangerous than the Swine Flue itself and is likely to cause more deaths than than the flue it is supposed to cure, all the while having almost no curing effect on the virus.

Since the Swine Flue is actually milder than the usual round of flue each winter and the sale of the flue vaccines is expected to reap millions this smacks of a Big Pharma marketing campaign, with Obama in line for perks. Pandemic? Do they take us for fools?

These deaths by doctors, though, now that's a pandemic. You have 5 times as much chance of being killed by the mistakes of your doctor than of getting and dying from flue complications. Surely that warrants an immediate emergency declare!

The President MUST declare this emergency and follow these measures:

1) All medical personnel are to deliver flubless services.

2) Any verified mistakes causing damages get double penalties.

3) Errors proven to have caused death without the shadow of a doubt are to be charged against the guilty person with a view toward criminal charges.

4) When the total of preventable deaths from medical errors is notably reduced only then is the emergency lifted.

5) Accountability is kept in to further a responsible medical profession.

Manslaughter, as this would be the case, unexpectedly by one's medical personnel, certainly puts a damper of the Right to Life. In whom do we trust?

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